Northern Ireland Centre

Pianoman Northern Ireland Centre

LA CARRIERE 3-034 copyWe are delighted to announce the appointment of international pianist/teacher Veronika Ilinskaya to lead our new Northern Ireland Centre. Following Richard Meyrick’s recent schools tour, Veronika will travel each month to Lisburn near Belfast and to Enniskillen to teach and encourage talented young pianists recently awarded scholarships to receive free lessons on the Pianoman Scheme.  Richard will visit the areas twice each year to provide additional support and Veronika will no doubt be playing for the schools, teaching the youngsters via Skype between lessons and introducing exciting new repertoire for them to enjoy.  Our ultimate aim will be to award a number of these young musicians much sought after places on our residential courses held during the school holidays in major universities and centres throughout the UK. Good luck Veronika.




In March 2016 Richard visited no fewer than 16 schools in Northern Ireland.  Feedback from teachers and students was universally positive with 12 students being offered scholarships to receive free lessons from Veronika.




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